NAAPAC has been a defender of the industry since its inception in 1977 and has worked to elect pro-industry candidates to Congress.



USAA Virtual Reverse Trade Show '23

USAA Virtual Reverse Trade Show '23

Our VirtualReverse Trade Show on February 16, 2023 from 2pm-5pm, is a networking event with a twist!

The Upper State Apartment Association is turning the tables and giving our vendors the opportunity to market their services and products directly to the management company decision makers!

At a reverse trade show, suppliers come to meet with buyers as opposed to the other way around. The unique format allows participants to create opportunities, meet more people, make more contacts, and generate more business opportunities all in one evening. 

The cost is only $250 and all proceeds will be donated to the National Apartment Association PAC, the entry fee must be a made via a personal donation to NAAPAC. The fee cannot be reimbursed by your company. 

NAAPAC contributions are not tax deductible. Federal law requires political committees to report the name, mailing address, occupation, and name of employer for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in a calendar year. All contributions to NAAPAC are voluntary.


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The amount you chose will be contributed once.